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Inform pregnant women and their families about the benefits and management of breastfeeding

Baby Friendly Community Initiative If the health service provides antenatal service(s) the person(s) responsible for the provision of antenatal care including general practitioners, midwives and obstetricians and/or childbirth education services should report that breastfeeding is discussed and information given to pregnant women using those antenatal services, either individually or in a group.

A written description of the minimum content of the antenatal education should be available. The antenatal education will include:

  • the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.
  • the benefits of breastfeeding
  • the importance of early skin-to-skin contact
  • early initiation of breastfeeding
  • rooming-in on a 24 hour basis
  • feeding on demand or baby-led feeding
  • frequent feeding to help ensure enough breastmilk
  • good positioning and attachment of baby at the breast
  • that breastfeeding continues to be important after six months when other foods are given
  • breastfeeding support services in the community
  • the effect of drugs, used in labour, on both the newborn and the initiation of breastfeeding

At least 80% randomly selected pregnant women of 32 weeks or more gestation who are using the antenatal service and who have come for at least two visits, can:

  • confirm that a health worker has either, discussed the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding with them or ensured that another health professional has discussed the benefits with them
  • list at least two of the following benefits:
    - optimum nurtition for baby
    - bonding
    - protection, including the role of colostrum
    - health advantages to the mother
  • confirm that a health worker has discussed breastfeeding management with them or ensured that another health professional has discussed with them
  • describe at least two of the following breastfeeding management topics:
    - positioning and attachment of baby to the breast
    - importance of feeding on demand or baby-led feeding (cue feeding)
    - importance of rooming-in 24 hours per day
    - how to ensure enough milk 
    - importance of skin-to-skin contact
    - risks of supplements while breastfeeding in the first six months

Additionally, at least 80% of these women can confirm that they have received neither group education nor any written promotional materials on the use of infant formula. All information given to these mothers must be free from advertising and comply with the Code.

Information provided to pregnant women, should be ethically and culturally appropriate and relevant to specific needs.

The Health Service must achieve a pass in all applicable questions in Point Three to meet the BFCI Standard.