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Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all staff and volunteers

The health service needs to have a written breastfeeding policy that fully covers the Seven Point Plan and protects breastfeeding by adhering to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and subsequent relevant WHA Resolutions.

It also requires that mothers who have medical indications for which breastfeeding is not recommended, or mothers of babies with such medical indications, receive counselling on infant feeding and guidance on selecting options likely to be suitable for their situations.

This policy will be developed in consultation with Maori, other ethnic groups, consumer organisations and other providers using the service. Support for the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (protection, participation and partnership) needs to be stated and apparent throughout the document.

The person(s) responsible for services at any time should be able to locate a copy of the policy and describe how all new staff are orientated to it and staff are made aware of it.

The policy will be available so that all staff who take care of mothers and babies can refer to it.

The policy or a summary covering, at minimum, the Seven Point Plan, and reference to the Code and subsequent relevant WHA Resolutions, will be visibly posted in all areas of the service which care for pregnant women, mothers, babies, and/or children.

The policy or a summary will be displayed in the language(s) and wording most commonly understood by consumers and staff.

This policy must be self audited annually

The policy must be reviewed at least every three years.

The Health Service must score 100% for all questions for Point One to meet the BFCI standard