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Treaty Compliance

Compliance to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi for BFCI

The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi for protection, partnership and participation must be included in a Breastfeeding Policy offered by an accredited Baby Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) service. How these principles are incorporated should be clearly identifiable.

Level 3 Workers in the service must complete the module Breastfeeding for Maori Women, as stipulated in Point Two of The Seven Point Plan and this education should incorporate the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Maori representation should be recognised by advisory and/or consultation groups of the service, and relationships should be established between the service and relevant Maori health providers and community organisations such as Maori Women's Welfare League.

Processes need to be in place to indicate Maori participation in the review, development and evaluation of the service. The service must recognise whanau as an integral part of the care of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

Access to a Maori health worker, kaumatua support or culturally appropriate support (if required) must be provided by a service worker or client of the service to create an environment that is supportive and culturally appropriate.

The Breastfeeding Policy (or an abridged version) must be available in Maori, and the Maori translation of the abridged Policy must be on display in all areas accessible by pregnant women, mothers and their whanau.

The service must achieve a pass in all applicable questions relating to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi to become an accredited BFCI health service.